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Presentation of the characters

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Rose de Campbell

Birth: May 28, 1852

Gender: Girl

Astrological sign: Gemini

Brother sister: ?


Husband/Wife: Vincent de Campbell


Children: Eloise de Campbell, Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell

Parents: ?


Relatives: Her best friend is mother Rachel from Egerton. She is also very close to her seamstress Bethany Wilson.

Rose was a mother of a large Noble family during the Victorian era, she was considered a role model for a large majority of 19th century women.

Will this reputation as a good mother last? 

Vincent de Campbell

Birth: January 20, 1847

Gender: Boy

Astrological sign: Capricorn

Brother/sister: Vincent is an only child


Husband/Wife: Campbell's Rose


Children: Eloise de Campbell, Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell

Parents: ?


Relatives: His family

Vincent is a loving and present father. He is a person who is always ready to give affection to people who need it. His big heart often pushes him to donate money to help the poorest. But he is also naive in nature, and easily risks being fooled if an ill-intentioned person tries to scam him.




Sebastian de Campbell

Birth: September 6, 1872

Gender: Boy

Astrological sign: Virgo


Sibling: Eloise de Campbell, Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell and Louise de Campbell

Husband/Wife: X

Children: X

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell

Relatives: He gets along very well with the sons Albert and Antony Clifford

Sebastian is a very studious young boy and absolutely wanting to study his dreams at Eton College, he rarely goes out and spends most of his time in the mansion.

Eloise de Campbell

Birth: October 4, 1882

Gender: Girl

Astrological sign: Libra

Sibling: Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell


Husband/Wife: X


Children: X

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Relatives: She is very close to the majority of her family members. She also gets along very well with William Wilson.


Little Eloise is a young toddler of only 3 years old, very curious, she likes to touch everything! She also has a bad habit of putting anything and everything in her mouth, but with all the toxins on Victorian objects and toys, this is dangerous to her health. Will she succeed in escaping all the illnesses and all the poisonings that she risks having by putting in her mouth everything that comes to hand?


Benedict de Campbell

Birth: May 30, 1879

Gender: Boy

Astrological sign: Gemini

Sibling: Eloise de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell


Husband/Wife: X


Children: X

Parents:  Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Relatives: He is very close to his sister Lousie and his best friend William Wilson, one of the youngest sons of the Wilson family.


Benedict is a 6 year old child who likes to learn, he is very curious and never stops asking questions. He is also very close to animals, especially horses. Being passionate about these beautiful creatures, Benedict never leaves his wooden horse. He is also extremely close to his twin sister Louise, despite their many bickering. One of his favorite activities being to annoy her.

Louise de Campbell

Birth: May 30, 1879

Gender: Girl

Astrological sign: Gemini

Sibling: Benedict de Campbell, Eloise de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Jane de Campbell


Husband/Wife: X


Children: X

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Relatives: Louise is extremely close to her twin brother Benedict.


Louise is a 6-year-old girl of a very wise nature. She loves to play dinette and walk in the garden. The latter also likes to read a lot, which makes her a rather asocial young child, who does not find it easy to make friends, something that does not seem to bother her, because this one says enough with his brothers and sisters.


George de Campbell

Birth: April 5, 1860

Gender: Boy

Astrological sign: Aries

Sibling: Eloise de Campbell, Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell


Husband/Wife: Béatrice de Booth


Children: The baby is not yet born

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Relatives: The person he is closest to is none other than his wife Beatrice de Booth


At 25, George is the eldest son of the Campbell family. He has been married for a year now and will soon be a father. This one is a doctor in a hospital not far from the family mansion and it is not uncommon for him to visit his family. 

Mary de Campbell

Birth:  February 21, 1869

Gender: Girl

Astrological sign: Pisces

Sibling: Benedict de Campbell, Jane de Campbell, Eloise de Campbell, George de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell


Husband/Wife: X


Children: X

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Relatives: His personal servant Victoria Jones and his neighbor Elizabeth Godwinson


Mary is a 16-year-old girl who is very careful about other people's eyes. She absolutely wants to follow the trends and fit into the Victorian standards of beauty, which could, however, be detrimental to her health.

What else could happen to this young girl? Will she escape all the risks that these practices could cause her to be beautiful?


Jane de Campbell

Birth: June 3, 1864

Gender: Girl

Astrological sign: Gemini

Sibling: Eloise de Campbell, George de Campbell, Mary de Campbell, Benedict de Campbell, Sebastian de Campbell and Louise de Campbell


Husband/Wife: Edward de Leigh (Engaged)


Children: X

Parents: Vincent de Campbell and Rose de Campbell


Close: She is very close to the musicians of her troupe at the Opera and her fiancé

Jane is a 22 year old young woman, soon to be married. This one is very spendthrift, she loves gambling and does not hesitate to bet large sums, in order to spread all her wealth. Despite this, she remains a serious woman and wants to be as independent as possible. Currently, she is an opera singer, and it was while starting this career that she met her fiancé Edward de Leigh.

Now that you know all the characters that could appear in the story, I invite you to read the first subject that Drawana-Stories talks about.

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